Issue Tracking Software

Issue Tracking Software

Simple and powerful issue tracking software for capturing, tracking, and resolving issues in a timely manner. Get your issue handling workflow automated within days, ensure full control over the issue life cycles, collect common problems in a knowledge base, and establish continuous value delivery to your customers.

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Straightforward issue tracking for any type of business

Whether it is a Call Center of a large service company or an IT Help Desk in a mid-sized business, your daily operation relies heavily on efficient issue tracking. Without a unified issue tracking environment, request tracking becomes a tough challenge for any business.

CMW Platform provides a scalable and easily configurable online issue tracker that enables capturing and management of all kinds of IT and business issues, such as:

With a low-code web-based issue management software by CMW Lab you can easily centralize issue capturing and tracking, improve issue handling terms, stay on top of the issue tracking status and set up the workflow in exact accordance with your needs.

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The Best Business Process Management Software in 2023

CMW Platform is rated #1 BPM suite in 2023 to start your business automation.

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Low-code Issue Tracking Workflow

Visual Workflow Builder makes it easy to set up an issue tracking workflow that matches particular attributes like issue priority level, status and security permissions.

  • Timely and accurate ticket routing and notifications
  • On-the-fly changes to automated issue tracking processes 
  • Sequential or parallel workflows
  • Escalations based on inactivity and due dates
  • Pre-defined alternative assignees
Flexible Issue Tracking Workflow  Low-code Issue Tracking Workflow

Web-Forms for Issue Submission

Easily design issue tracking forms and standardize ticket submission:

  • Graphical form builder available via any web browser
  • Configurable tabs and data fields
  • On-the-fly changes to online forms
  • Files attachment to form submissions
Web-Forms for Issue Submission  Web-Forms for Issue Submission

Collaborative Issue Resolving

Discuss and collaborate on issues and documents, share knowledge in CMW Platform online issue tracking software — get your support teams engaged in daily processes and ensure maximum productivity.

  • Issues creation and update by email or from mobile interface
  • Easy attachment of supporting documents
  • Single environment for issue tracking, document management and issue knowledge base 
  • Easy integration with Outlook, SharePoint and Active Directory
Collaborative Issue Resolving  Collaborative Issue Resolving

Clear Accountability and Reporting

Gain real-time visibility and control over the issues and identify process bottlenecks.

  • Transparent view of the issue tracking process and current status
  • No passing the issue and assuming someone else is handling it
  • Reports on efficiency of the process, specific case or customer service agent performance
  • Scheduled automated reports
  • Clear, automatically-generated audit trail
  • Integration with existing systems using open API
Issue Tracking Process  Clear Accountability and Reporting

Powerful and easy Issue Tracking Software you were seeking. Risk-free trial!

Issue and Bug Tracking Challenges

One of the biggest challenges faced by companies who care about high-quality customer service is choosing the best fit from the bulk of issue tracking systems and workflow software available on the market. Requirements for tracking software are different from one company to another - some would like to have a time tracking feature, the other would like to see the development teams progress. But the key requirement is similar for everyone — the issue tracker tool must be simple enough, so that the team would embrace issue tracking and benefit from it.

Too complex systems force the team to work in a tool where they spend more time studying the interface then the issue, and their performance suffers as a result. Complexity brings hidden costs because time and money are wasted on training, more issues are lost or support is not delivered quickly enough, and your customers end up frustrated.

CMW Lab offers a highly customizable low-code issue tracking tool, while keeping it simple and making sure that your team is never overwhelmed with features they would hardly ever use. There are no hidden complexity costs.

Powerful and easy Issue Tracking Software you were seeking. Risk-free trial!

CMW Trial

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In Cloud & On-premise

In Cloud & On-premise

CMW Lab® provides both on-premise and in Cloud deployment options. Besides, flexible transition between cloud-based workflow solution and on-premise one can be rolled out if needed. Deployment options

API and Integrations

API and Integrations

CMW Lab provides wide workflow integration capabilities.Take advantage of bidirectional integration scenarios, s support for both fine grained, and bulk export operations – all available through Web Services open API’s and built-in enterprise services. Integration capabilities

CMW Mobile Apps


Run your workflow seamlessly on your desktop computer, iOS and Android phone or tablet and enjoy fully consistent user experience.

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