While investors and financial consultants analyze PP&E balance and its impact on the cash flow rigorously, it becomes #1 priority each CapEx request is being tracked and under control to safeguard a company’s shareholder value. Starting from the request receipt, its approval over different departments and further expense or capitalization of the investment, the process should comply with the company's policies, be transparent and error-free, so that capital assets are not- or over-invested.
CMW CapEx Management software extended with OpEx management functionality is designed to empower enterprises for a full control over capital expenditure to maintain assets growth.
The Best Business Process Management Software in 2023
CMW Platform is rated #1 BPM suite in 2023 to start your business automation.
Have a new, automated CapEx approval process up and running within days, not months.
Get advantage of on-the-fly changes to request-forms and automated CapEx approval workflows:
Easily design CapEx request forms and standardize request preparation:
Improve team communication and collaboration thanks to a single work environment for employees, automated workflows, documents and knowledge.
Identify CapEx management bottlenecks and implement corrective action in time:
Hertz has leveraged CMW Platform to create a modern CapEx approval application, which replaced complex Excel files. Thanks to process automation the rental car company dramatically reduced the expenditure approval cycle time, decreased operational expenses and minimized financial risks. Get our PDF Case Study to learn more about Hertzs objectives, approach, solution and results.
CMW Trial
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