Tips for CMS Workflow Management
Friday, July 23, 2021 / Updated: July 23, 2021
Updated, quality and useful content is an incredibly important part of a business that is too often overlooked. The need for regular, new, and informative content for business users is a vital part of the success of an endeavor.
However, the acquisition of quality content, while important, isn’t much if you don’t have a good strategy for how to sustain and manage a consistent content workflow.
For most businesses, the first thing you will need to do is ensure that you have a number of content writers that can create consistent messaging and useful content that meets your standards. Relying on one writer can be dangerous as if they drop off, your content creation will come to a halt.
Having a team of quality writers, however, isn’t enough, you will also need a Content Management System (CMS) workflow that will help aid in adding, publishing, and editing content as needed.
If all you needed was a writer who could publish content, there wouldn’t be much need to create a special workflow for content creation; however, it is really more complicated than it might seem.
Workflow management software like Comindware Tracker can be used in the content management system process to help manage roles and approvals, to assign content to different writers, to assign editing and reviewing, and the like.

Let’s take a look at the considerations you will need to take into account when you are creating a CMS workflow.
Tips for Creating a Solid CMS Workflow
First, you will need to develop a content strategy. What type of content do you want to provide and why? What type of audience are you speaking to? Who will write this content and where will it be distributed?
The answers to these questions will greatly inform your CMS.

One way to do this is to talk to people who actually use your website or products and services. What type of information are they looking for? Asking the actual user what they need and expect is something that, sadly, not enough businesses do. By asking the people actually consuming the content what they are looking for will help you create useful content for your audience.
Setting CMS roles is also important. This is where you will assign the various parties involved in content creation and publishing their tools. This will usually involve the content writer, the editor or reviewer, and the person who is responsible for publishing and distributing content.
Don’t forget to audit your own processes. After you have implemented a CMS process, you will want to review it to make sure that you are covering all necessary steps and that you aren’t doing anything redundant.
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