Flexible Partner and Supply Chain Management Software
Wednesday, October 28, 2020 / Updated: October 28, 2020
In today’s global competitive environment, businesses need to stay on top of their operational efficiencies and deliver the best possible experience to their customers. This means the need to work with a variety of partners, from those providing you with product components and spare parts, to those co-delivering and co-maintaining your solutions. Such complex communications and data need to be orchestrated within a single supply management solution that also covers:
- Purchasing, manufacturing, distribution process automation
- Product design, marketing, delivery and support
- Partner communications management
- Contract approval management
Workflow technology helps a lot with making the most of your partnerships thanks to effective supply chain management.

Supply Chain Management Solution by Comindware
Common partner and supply chain management challenges:
- Lack of real time product support capabilities
- Disintegrated business systems of customers, suppliers and partners
- Complexity of IT landscape
Partner and supply chain management tool based on Comindware Tracker was designed to automate the flow of information, materials and money downstream (from the supplier to the customer) and upstream (from the customer to the supplier) that is usual for supply chains. It emphasizes the process approach concerned with how a product or service is delivered to the customer, and provides comprehensive supply chain management software with business process management and optimization capabilities coupled with adaptive case management. Comindware supply chain management system enables end-to-end tracking of partner and supplier data – such as proposals, assets, contracts, resources – in a unified work environment.
Key benefits of the solution:
- Track, analyze and manage your suppliers and partners in a single system
- Leverage social collaboration to increase your entire team productivity
- Connect and reconcile your corporate systems with those of your partners
Workflow-based supply chain management solution by Comindware can be easily extended in order to handle lead to cash process and effectively process service requests from partners in the same system. Comindware Tracker is also widely used for addressing cusrtomer order management challenges when being focused on effective collaboration across the company.
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