Software Solutions for Effective Resource Management
Friday, September 9, 2016 / Updated: February 15, 2023
We live in a world where keeping track of everything is very important when minimizing costs, reducing employee turnover, and maximizing the customer experience. Resource management will help you do all of these things. The definition of resource management is broad and includes all of the information needed both to keep track of internal actions that are vital to the operation of the business and to run customer accounts. Let’s have a look on each part separately.

Corporate Human Resource Management
When looking to manage corporate resources effectively so that you can get the most out of them, a methodical approach needs to be taken. The steps and needs of the corporation can include:
- Recruitment and selection – This refers to your employee base in that it is exercised by your human resources department. This is not a process you want to get wrong, because it can be costly. Certain pieces of data are useful in recruitment and selection, such as work patterns within a position and the technology needed to do the job. Even anticipated changes based on trends are important.
- Workload planning – In order to be as productive as possible, workload planning should be implemented. This can ensure that employees aren’t overworked and that work is evenly distributed among the staff.
- Training and development – Employees must be initially trained, and their training must continue in order to coincide with changes within the business and the industry. Data resources are very important when ensuring that the company is on point with where it stands within the field of competition.
- Performance management, KPIs – You have to ensure your employees keep performing. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are metrics used to evaluate factors that determine the success of the company. KPIs can cover customer loyalty, net revenue, turnover rates, or how a single employee is producing.
All of these areas rely on resource management and full utilization of the resource data in order to secure solid performance. By focusing on these four areas, you can keep track of what is happening internally in order to positively influence what is being received on the outside by clients and customers.

Enterprise Resource Management & Enterprise Resource Planning
Enterprise Resource Planning is a business management software category that can house a number of applications that the business can use to gather, manage, interpret, and store data from the activities of the business. ERP can cover manufacturing, product planning, purchases, and much more.
Enterprise Resource Management software allows a designated manager to efficiently access network resources. Multiple enterprise systems and applications can be accessed through this system, making it easy to keep track of resources and systems. One password accesses this system, and it can oversee all other applications. Think of it as the master program. It is the umbrella for the ERP and anything else that is needed for effective resource management throughout the company.
Comindware Solution for Resource Management and Its Capabilities
Comindware provides a type of work and business management software that allows the creation of enterprise solutions and applications that can meet many types of business needs. Comindware helps manage front office and back office operations, such as Customer Order Management, Compliance and Policy Management, Partner and Supply Chain Management, as well as Human Resources and more. A business can have complete control over the data within the company from employees to projects, processes, and cases. The three main areas that Comindware assists with are:
- Resource planning – View cases, projects, and processes to manage a unified workload.
- Resource allocation – Distribute existing resources within the company to meet needs and goals.
- Resource tracking – Keep track of resources so you know what you have, what you don’t have, and what you need and use allocation tracking so you know where everything is being used.

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