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All required information is in one central place and accessible to every team member

Your work information is interconnected and can be used by all departments when you use Comindware Tracker. All data is available across the application, including files, reports, invoices, requests, lists of objects, client cards and anything else you might need for your personal and collaborative team work.

When it comes to automation, quite often different departments use different systems for their specific work. This way, when, for example, sales use SalesForce, marketing uses Marketo, accountants use Workday , HR uses HRtribe – whenever they need to do any kind of common project, they don’t have visibility into each other’s data. They start to solve the problem with the help of Excel files and emails which compromises the very idea of automated systems use. Whenever integration of the systems is in question, it is a timely and costly solution.

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The example that can be quoted here is simple, has taken place several days ago, and we played a vital part in it. A large company purchased Comindware Tracker because different departments of the company have different document management and process tracking systems. Different systems cannot exchange data (while Comindware Tracker fields, forms and data are available across the application). This means that when one department needs data from another department, they need to extract this data from one system, in a certain format, then convert it, if possible, and then transfer it to another system, if they find a matching format. If not – all data is transferred from one system to another – manually (It’s the 21st century!! Don’t we have other things to do instead?).That’s probably what the headquarters of the company thought and they purchased a huge set of Comindware Tracker licenses from us.

They could have probably connected their different tracking and process management systems with the help of API integration yet in this case this would be very expensive for the company. Another solution is to make a single transfer of all data into Comindware Tracker which is quite possible, especially with the help of our Professional Services – it really saves time. The data in Comindware Tracker is accessible across different parts of the applications, so that departments can use them all. The thing is that there are no limitations for the number of users that can use Comindware Tracker simultaneously.

Another advantage that differs the system from its analogues is that Comindware Tracker processes can be modified very easily no matter how huge the company it serves is. This drastically differs from the processes, for example, in SharePoint which you cannot change without coding or processes in heavy RDBMS systems where you affect current items when you need to upgrade the process. Comindware Tracker Graphical Workflow Builder makes it possible to modify and improve processes without coding or affecting current work: the changes are smoothly incorporated in the running process. This innovation is so comfortable that it gave birth to Comindware workflow for SharePoint, a graphical workflow management tool which can be natively integrated into MS SharePoint.

This way, the cost of integration of all systems was reduced to a minimum. Yet if cutting costs, better not to stop half-way and last but not least is the budget line which is dedicated to the employees training to work with the new system. Comindware has solved this problem by adopting MS interface, the same as is used in Outlook and other Professional Windows applications. It’s much easier to use a tool which you already know. If Comindware Tracker integration is backed by Professional Services, learning is supported by training that can be developed specially for your company departments to help you quicker adopt a new, easier way of working more productively in a professional electronic working environment. You can try it at no cost if you click here or register in the form at the top of this page.

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Anastasia Chumakova is Product Marketing Analyst and Workflow Automation Expert at Comindware.
She currently explores online process management product development trends, contributes to and provides tips for better use of Comindware Tracker and online work management solutions.

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