CMW Lab Blog

Project Management Functionality of BPM Software

Project Management Functionality of BPM Software

In recent years businesses have grown to be more dynamic and diverse: they involve complex communications, work teams scattered around the globe, mobile operations and online data storage. Working from the traditional business process management approach companies growing out of manual planning and implementing specialized business management software are often looking for pre-configured project management functionality that provide more flexibility while minimizing complexity and deployment costs.

Comindware Solution provides all the capabilities of traditional BPM Software coupled with advanced project management features such as priority based planning, predictive Gantt chart, mobility and collaboration that enable advanced project management at business process steps. These advanced project management capabilities ensure projects are run effectively and completed on time.

On the picture you can see an Incident Management process built with Comindware BPMS (Business Process Management Software) that enables using Project Management approach at some steps. Besides simplifying the management of certain tasks and projects, project management brings following advantages:

Comindware BPM Software is a business process management software that provides all necessary capabilities for professional project management: priority-based planning, predictive Gantt chart, facilitated resources allocation and other. It brings a real-time view on project priorities and task delivery dates for project teams while ensuring full security, reliability and effective business management.


Artem Kulik is responsible for PR & Content creation for Comindware. He currently explores product development trends, contributes to and provides tips for better use of Comindware BPM-software

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