How do I organize the product certification process?
March 4, 2013
Whether you want to get official product certification from a local accreditation body or, for example, from a member of IAF MLA you can do it better when you know what you need to do and when you get some help.
We created for you a smart and almost invisible assistant that streamlines your certification process, makes a list of tasks for you while you sip on your morning coffee, and it helps you to collect, keep and process all necessary data and documentation on the process. Here’s how it works.
When you need to certify your product, here is what kind of decisions and actions you take:
- Do we need to certify this product?
- Initiate the process, get approvals for it
- Collect documentation and present before the Accreditation Body
- Most likely, you get requests from the Accreditation Body: provide more detail, present the product for tests
- Final result of the certification process: certification and report on what’s been done
The process is streamlined, visible and under control when you use the web-based Comindware Tracker Compliance and Policy Solution which has the product certification process automated in it.

With many products that undergo certification at the same time, you can see the current state of the process for each of them, in real time: either in the form of a list or in color diagrams and charts. You can see it in the form of pre-configured lists and reporting dashboards. It should be said that even though the workspace is ready for work and pre-configured, you can bring any changes in case you need to collect and analyze specific data or change the workflow scheme. It’s not only possible, it’s easy as a pie with the visual workflow and form builder.
Our Compliance and Policy is an out-of-the-box solution. The product certification process is set up and ready to go. All of the product certification process tasks are united in a single workflow and each task is programmed in the order which we think is the best to work on the process. While your work moves on, the streamlined process demands you to input data. As the final result, you have reports on each product and on the whole process.
We want to help you here and now, so we made entrance to the system easy and quick as well. Enter your online workspace for product certification with your credentials. The credentials can be obtained here.
With Comindware Tracker Compliance and Policy solution you have all in one:
- Document management
- Approval management
- Product certification process management
Last but not least: all in a single place, accessible for you online. You can use the Solution 30 days for free. The data you input can be extracted from the system in the form of an Excel or Word file. From our part, we tried to make everything as cozy and comfortable as possible so that you want to stay with us. Check it out!
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