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Purchasing Manager’s day is full of efforts to handle purchase order requests, verify the details of requisitions, ensure policies compliance, correcting errors and finding out what went wrong. It is hard work and we should do something about that.
Before reading on, answer the following questions:
Consider this scenario:
You’re spearheading a research and development project. A problem crops up, and the client wants the cause investigated. You tell her she’ll get the details in the next monthly meeting. Because your plate is already brimming, you assign the task to a team member. The next meeting comes, and the client asks for the details you promised. Sitting next to you, quite visibly shaken and all color drained from his face, is the person you assigned the task to.
Even without uttering a single word, you know that the task hasn’t been carried out, but, in your mind, the more pressing question is: How could you possibly have forgotten about this very important task?
As businesses evolve and more work needs to be done, the conventional solution is to either overwork the people or hire more people to do all the extra work. As things stand nowadays, companies cannot afford to keep hiring more people. High-skilled jobs are already difficult and expensive to fill, and getting more people on board to do low-skilled and sometimes merely repetitive tasks can set cost-saving goals back.
This is where business process automation (BPA) solutions come in handy.
Automated online forms for basic HR processes remove headache from the HR department and dramatically improves effectivity of internal human interactions. When ready to get online forms working, you are likely to get started by choosing proper templates. The short list looks like this:
By Keith Craig:
AI will change the course of how project management tasks are delivered and controlled in the future.(more…)
Changes in project workflow and the makeup of the workplace have impacted how many companies handle project management. Lately, there’s been an emphasis on communication and collaboration, and on finding ways technology can make projects more efficient and transparent across team members.
Let’s take a look at some of the biggest trends that are changing how companies get their work done in 2018:
(more…)Any modern successful company consists of many departments and teams. Although most of these departments are very specific for each type of business, we still can separate these into two groups:
With the rise of a company, its internal bureaucracy also grows stronger and bigger. When you work in a company of 3 people, you can simply tap Bruce Murdock (your manager) on the shoulder and ask him – “Could you sign up this contract”? But when Bruce has more than a thousand employees and each one taps him on the shoulder, we believe that Bruce’s business would get stuck. So, Bruce organizes his people in teams and departments, which is a normal process, and sets collaboration policies in order to make sure that they manage contract lifecycle effectively.
Talent management strategy consists of small but smart steps that, on the whole, have a huge influence on the moral of the people working for your company. It’s a proven part of employee satisfaction and retention, as it gives your crew a well-grounded feeling that their career is advancing.