Policy Change Request, Template and Workflow Process in one Solution
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 / Updated: March 6, 2013
Company policy can be changed to improve business productivity or as a solution to new obstacles. Whatever the cause, policy changes should be done under strict control. Control becomes easy when you make the whole process transparent and visible to all of the process participants.
In Comindware Tracker Compliance and Policy solution you will find:
- A workflow template for changing proposals and submissions, which precisely describes the change and the different parameters involved.
- A process map to implement the change, detailing which rule should be updated, created, or deleted, in which package, whether an update to the rule flow is warranted, etc, and which specific resource is needed.
“At each step of the policy change process the person responsible for this workflow step gets full visibility on the process, its status, data and documentation.”
Instead of dealing with papers and manual control over the process, you can start working with our workflow software right now: it’s also available in the Comindware Cloud, so all you need to do to access it is to get your credentials here. We offer you a 30 day period for free, and then take advantage of our really low monthly price, you can see it here.

Although policy change is one of the most important company processes that can result in either significant improvements or in epic failure, the process diagram looks really simple.
We believe this simplicity is genius. At each step of the policy change process the person responsible for this step gets full visibility on the process, its status, data and documentation. They get a task to complete with description of what needs to be done in it. The process can be easily changed and adapted to your current situation in a couple of clicks using our visual workflow builder. All changes are up and running immediately thereafter, without affecting the process or withdrawing the existing data.
Basically, everything is really prepared for work, organized and sorted: you only need to do your part of the work and hit the ‘completed’ button which will send the policy change request to the next process participant.
Posted on: in Project World, Solutions