How to Use Your Processes’ Info to Improve Business
Thursday, August 9, 2018 / Updated: April 11, 2024
Analyzing data is something business people must constantly do in order to know if things are going well, if things can and must be improved, or if new strategies must be applied in order to achieve the desired results because previous ones were not as effective as they thought they were. Without a proper tool, gathering and analyzing all this data, besides checking each and every business process, are definitely tedious tasks. Business process improvement can only happen when data is carefully analyzed, and if people take action regarding the information that the data reveals.
We know how stressful and annoying this can be, which is why we recommend Comindware Tracker so much. Business process management software by Comindware is able to provide you with the solutions your business needs so much.
Some of the solutions this business innovation software can bring are:
There are some things you, as a business person, can do, so gathering and analyzing data can become a simpler task. For instance, try to gather data daily, not once a week, nor once monthly. By doing this you will be not only saving time, but identifying quicker and easier issues on processes, and taking action faster. This will lead you to a quicker business innovation and will avoid the business to suffer bigger issues.
Organize yourself as well while interviewing the personnel. Try not to gather and analyze data from all the levels in your business at once. Start from the top of the hierarchy, and go to the bottom slowly. This will allow you to discover if there are issues happening that are interfering in the performance of a process, why are they happening, the opinion of people in charge, and how to develop ideas on how these issues can be solved.
Use the feedback you get from the personnel to create an action plan. If you find issues, you must solve them. If you do not solve them, it will be impossible for your business to improve and innovate. From the feedback you get while interviewing the personnel, create an action plan divided into clear, accurate and simple steps that can be followed easily.
Think carefully about what actions you must take in order to make your business improve. Do not take any rushed action. Your actions must be based on facts, on the analysis you did from the data you gathered, and not based on your emotions. Always keep in mind the growth of your business and the improvement of each member of it.
Last but not least, request the 30-day Comindware Tracker trial so you can experience by yourself how this business process management software can surely help you gather and analyze data very easily. Transforming and innovating your business will not be an annoying and tedious thing to do anymore.
We know how stressful and annoying this can be, which is why we recommend Comindware Tracker so much. Business process management software by Comindware is able to provide you with the solutions your business needs so much.

- Sales workflow: Comindware Tracker can help business people by allowing them to easily analyze contracts in real time, all the processes and people behind each and every contract, and allowing them to innovate in this area.
- Human workflow: Humans are behind all the processes of a business, so Comindware Tracker has been designed to analyze the overall performance of the personnel, including their contracts, salaries, payments, timesheets, training, benefits, and vacations.
- IT workflow: A business process improvement software must count with a way to analyze IT workflow, and Comindware Tracker surely does. Analyzing data regarding IT services – whether they are combinations of Subscription, Cloud, and on-premises based – is definitely simpler now. Each process behind IT services can be checked in order to see if they are working the way they should, and if things can be improved in order to meet client’s needs.
- Health Insurance workflow: This area is one in which time is vital, and being efficient is crucial. An accurate processing of information will surely improve the performance of your business, by making health insurance claims a faster and better issues thanks to a better management.
- Document workflow: One of the most tedious processes that has to be constantly analyzed in order to achieve business transformation is documents workflow. Purchases orders, reports, legal documents, policies, contracts, approvals, and many other documents can be easily analyzed with a BPM software such as Comindware Tracker.

Organize yourself as well while interviewing the personnel. Try not to gather and analyze data from all the levels in your business at once. Start from the top of the hierarchy, and go to the bottom slowly. This will allow you to discover if there are issues happening that are interfering in the performance of a process, why are they happening, the opinion of people in charge, and how to develop ideas on how these issues can be solved.
Use the feedback you get from the personnel to create an action plan. If you find issues, you must solve them. If you do not solve them, it will be impossible for your business to improve and innovate. From the feedback you get while interviewing the personnel, create an action plan divided into clear, accurate and simple steps that can be followed easily.
Think carefully about what actions you must take in order to make your business improve. Do not take any rushed action. Your actions must be based on facts, on the analysis you did from the data you gathered, and not based on your emotions. Always keep in mind the growth of your business and the improvement of each member of it.
Last but not least, request the 30-day Comindware Tracker trial so you can experience by yourself how this business process management software can surely help you gather and analyze data very easily. Transforming and innovating your business will not be an annoying and tedious thing to do anymore.
Posted on: in Workflow