New Enhancements Include Improved Navigation and Web Form Builder.
Boston, MA – December 21, 2017 – Comindware, a leading provider of Workflow Management Software, announces the availability of Comindware Tracker new version. Significantly improved navigation is designed to maximize team members’ productivity and improved form builder makes it even easier to build your own web forms.
Comindware Tracker makes it possible for non-technical users to design, run and modify workflows with drag-and-drop simplicity, without having to solely rely on IT. A wide variety of workflow management solutions have been built with Comindware Tracker across all industries and departments, and are successfully used for CapEx approval, document tracking, human resource management and other business needs. Role-based access control ensures full security and access management at all levels.
An initial focus in updating Comindware Tracker was to improve user experience with the core workflow management options people use everyday. Comindware team talked to hundreds of Comindware Tracker users and they told us what they want most: intuitive navigation throughout their daily workflow experience that can make them more productive. It was set out to redesign workflow management software navigation and make it more intuitive on both desktop and mobile, make lists even more handy and improve visual form builder. Even more, the update includes tangible bug fixes that enhance workflow software performance and complex processes saving.
“This Comindware Tracker update is based on all of your feedback,“ – notes Max Tsypliaev, CEO at Comindware. – “And it’s your feedback and energy that will help us continue to improve it going forward and extend it with new tools that can make you more productive and drive your business forward faster. ”
Comindware Tracker Update that Changes the Game