7 Steps to an Excellent HRO Process Workflow
Tuesday, April 13, 2021 / Updated: April 13, 2021
Human Resource Outsourcing (HRO) is a fast-growing part of streamlining businesses functioning and operations. The outsourcing of various business tasks and functions has continued to grow over time as this becomes a more efficient, affordable, and effective means to manage a range of business functions.
In short, HRO is usually an agreement between a business and a third-party whereby the third-party takes responsibility for some function of the business. This commonly includes things like payroll and compliance reporting.
Using these third-party services, along with other workflow management software like Comindware Tracker, will allow you to better streamline the services you offer, providing high-quality services and finding ways to improve efficiency and cut costs in the process.
Let’s take a look at the steps involved in creating a high-quality HRO process workflow.
Key Steps to an Excellent Process Workflow
If you want to manage and measure the effectiveness and quality of your HRO activity, there are a number of things you will need to do. What follows are our top seven steps that will help you create a highly-effective HRO process workflow that will improve and streamline your operations and even cut costs along the way.
- People and Technology
You don’t simply want to choose the cheapest option of HRO. You want to choose a company that has a history of providing high-quality processes and technology and that has good people working for them. It is recommended that you use your best HR talent to work with HRO to help ensure that you have chosen a company that will meet your needs.
- Implement in Stages
It might seem like you just want to switch to using a third-party service, but it can actually be more useful to slowly implement new processes a little at a time. Doing it gradually will allow you to avoid huge risks that could come from issues with a huge implementation. It will also allow you to measure the effectiveness of different elements of implementation.
- Keep It Simple
Simplifying aspects of your business process will not only allow for better streamlining of processes, but it can also reduce costs. This can be done by limiting the number of ways that a transaction can be processed or reducing paper.

- Consistency
You want to create a consistent platform that provides access to current information. Having the main database with current information will help reduce costs and improve the accuracy of reporting, decision-making, and compliance. Using the main database will help ensure that all parties are using the same information in their various processes and functions. It will reduce errors and improve the efficiency by which decisions can be made and new processes implemented.
- Technology Integration
Chances are, you will need to integrate a range of different third-party software into your systems. You want to make sure you choose an HRO supplier that has the ability to integrate third-party technologies across different processes and platforms. This is a key element that many people fail to take into consideration when choosing the best provider.
- Don’t Forget About Governance
You want to make sure you have a high-quality governance team as this will help to ensure the quality of your processes and operations. It is helpful to make sure to set clear permissions and designate key people for these roles. Having one or two people who are dedicated to the governance and oversight of your outsourcing may seem like an unnecessary cost, but it is incredibly important to ensure quality.
- Measurement and Support
It is helpful to use management tools that can help you determine how much improvement you are seeing from a process or your third-party providers. This helps you determine whether or not your outsourcing efforts make financial sense and shows you where you can find further benefit and improvement.
In Closing
Many businesses swear by the use of Human Resources Outsourcing (HRO) as a cost-effective means of streamlining business functioning and reducing operational costs. While this is an incredibly important part of modern business functioning, you need to be sure you understand the steps involved in making sure your process workflow is as efficient and valuable as possible. The seven steps we covered here give you the information you will need to help ensure that the HRO process workflow you create is as well-suited to the needs of your business as possible.
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